GRCGLA Rescue established the Shamrock Circle
Fund to help our most needy Goldens; the older,
sick, injured, and severely abused who require
medical care and behavioral training.
You can make 2024 a special year by helping our
special Golden Retrievers with a one-time or monthly tax-deductible
It is so easy to become a much-needed Shamrock Circle Fund donor. You can become a donor on our Shamrock Blog Page, where you can read heartwarming stories and see pictures of the Golden Retrievers we have helped over the years; all made possible by our generous and caring Shamrock Circle Fund Donors.
Click the Green Donate button.
Choose to either make monthly donations or select a one-time donation using your Credit Card or PayPal. You may also prefer to send a check to GRCGLA Rescue marked "Shamrock Circle Fund."
That is all there is to it! You have joined the select group of Shamrock Circle Fund Donors.
The Golden Retriever Club of Greater Los Angeles Rescue is so grateful to all our Shamrock
Circle Fund Donors for choosing to donate. This is a wonderful way to help our special needs dogs who require support throughout the year. These dogs count on compassionate people like you to turn their life around. With your support, they can live their best life; healthy, happy, and in loving “forever homes.”
Please join us by becoming a Shamrock Circle Fund Donor today in honor of our Golden
Retrievers and Saint Patrick’s Day. As a special thank you, all donors will receive a special Golden Retriever kitchen magnet in the mail.
Golden Retriever Club of Greater Los Angeles Rescue and our Golden Retrievers THANK YOU!
Gerri Monohan, GRCGLA Rescue President