NOTE: This information is current as of December 2023. Please check the latest news from the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) or your local trusted veterinarian for the latest information.

Veterinarians have noticed an uptick in respiratory illness affecting canines and widespread caution is being urged. This highly contagious unknown illness has been striking canines in at least 14 states across the United States and usually presents the following symptoms:
- Coughing
- Difficulty Breathing
- Sneezing
- Nasal or Eye Discharge
- Overall lethargy
There are widespread reports that traditional antibiotics have not been able to stop advancement of the disease and in some cases, dogs have died due to the illness.
The US Department of Agriculture is currently analyzing the situation and is working to determine the cause of the illness. As of December 1, 2023, the University of New Hampshire has identified a potential bacteria that may be responsible for this illness (link) but states there is still "work to do."
There is no need for panic but there are steps you can take to minimize the impact to your canine:
- Keep current on your vaccinations for your canine
- Avoid nose-nose contact with other dogs
- Refrain from activities at doggie day care, dog parks, and boarding/grooming facilities
- Consider pet health insurance if it suits your situation
- Isolate your pet at home in the event symptoms are being seen.
- Get treated by a licensed veterinarian as soon as possible.
Should your dog be affected, a quarantine of a minimum of 4 weeks is highly recommended. However, consult your trusted veterinarian for an official recommendation. WOOF!