Millie - ADOPTED!
9 mos. old, female
Meet Millie. She is a gorgeous 9 months old girl and currently weighs about 56 pounds. She was surrendered by a breeder to a mixed breed rescue, who turned her over to us, along with her sister Malia. They arrived super scared, after having been uprooted. They are very healthy. We know they like to play together once relaxed and comfortable. But they went into a shell at our vet boarding. We decided to rehome them separately. We think being on their own, or especially with a new resident dog pal, will speed up their confidence building and development. Malia was adopted. She has started to love life and emulate her new resident dog family member. Millie would like to be as happy as her sister. A resident dog is a necessity. A yard will be a desired attribute. Patience, patience, patience, and a willingness to do some basic training, will benefit her.
Adoption information and application, HERE.
Can you spare a few dollars to help offset rising veterinary costs and other expenses?