Kelsie March
14 weeks old, female

Meet Kelsie March who is appropriately named because she certainly has the luck of the Irish! We rescued this 14-week old pup from a shelter after she tested positive for Parvo. She is currently at a veterinary hospital and receiving supportive care and is doing very well. She has a good appetite and is alert and very sweet. Once she has been cleared by the doctor, she will be able to go to a forever home as a foster to adopt until she is spayed.
Kelsie March is a Labrador mix of some sweet kind who will steal your heart. If you are looking for a puppy and willing to provide her with all the love, attention, time and training a young pup needs, then put in your application quickly because this li'l lucky leprechaun will be gone fast! Updates and more pictures to follow.
Our girl is doing fabulously! She is eating well and energy level is great and she is well on the road to recovery thanks to the quick action of our rescue and phenomenal care of her doctors. She is a very sweet puppy and the staff at the hospital adore her. She is nearly ready to leave the hospital and go to her forever home and we are now ready to place her. So happy for this darling lil pup!
Adoption information and application, HERE.
Can you spare a few dollars to help offset rising veterinary costs and other expenses?