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4 yrs old, male

This is Jeremiah!  We think he is about 4 years old  and weighs 55 pounds and he has had a very rough past but those days are behind him! This boy had been chained to a fence in absolutely horrific conditions.  He came to us with skin, ear and eye infections and infested with fleas.  The first thing we did was give him a medicated bath and get those nasty fleas off of him.  We have treated his ears and skin and eye infections and he is blossoming with physically and emotionally!  He feels SO much better already and he is soaking up all of the love and attention from our wonderful vets and volunteers who are taking him out for walks and showering him attention.  We cannot wait to see how handsome he will be once he puts on some weight and his coat grows back in nice and full.  What is amazing is that after how cruelly he has been treated he still trusts and loves people.  He will lay down on you and invite you to rub his belly.  He has met other dogs and has done well with them.  Jeremiah will need a home that will continue to let him settle in and trust life again.  He would love an owner that will provide him with training and a big soft bed and lots of patience and love.

Adoption information and application, HERE.

Can you spare a few dollars to help offset rising veterinary costs and other expenses? 

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