1 yr old, male
Meet our 1 year old love bug Clay! Clay weighs about 50 pounds and is a wonderful and fun loving pup. Clay is in a fantastic foster home with a resident golden that he adores. They play so nicely together and he has good house manners and is crate trained. He already knows many basic commands and he is easy to walk on leash. He enjoys going on outing with his foster family to the beach and other places. His foster family says he is super sweet and curious. Fun fact ***Clay is expert level ninja lizard hunter*** so if you have critters in your yard he will likely spend hours entertaining himself chasing them. He is a very energetic and agile pup who will thrive in a home that will take him on lots of adventures, walks, runs, and continue the training that we have started. He is a doll!
Adoption information and application, HERE.
Can you spare a few dollars to help offset rising veterinary costs and other expenses?